why we do it:
Our Philosophy
The Academy for Motivation and Empowerment, Inc., was founded in 2012 by professionals with a unique combination of experience in business and mental health.
The underlying philosophy of AMEI’s founders is “too often, people and organizations try to fix a problem by focusing on the problem rather than focusing on unknown strengths and talents”. Focusing on a problem only magnifies the problem.
Focusing on inherent solutions strengthens the system and is the only way to achieve long term success and sustainability. We help you uncover the strengths you need to address any problem.
How we do it:
The staff of AMEI utilizes a variety of assessment tools and techniques. We tailor our services to fit your needs. Whether we are working with individuals, relationships, or small or large organizations, we join you to assess your needs. Then we work with you to strengthen yourself and your organization. When working with businesses, we will likely work with you at your job site to deliver the full program and services, based on your needs.
Our analytical approach uses modern, research-based, innovative techniques which reveal the inner drives of a person. Although we use a variety of assessment instruments, the Reiss Motivation Profile® is the most important tool to uncover the deep motivational drives which underlie all behavior, communication, and working style. These drives make up an individual’s personality which is key to solving problems, improving productivity, and increasing life satisfaction. Click here to learn more about the Reiss Motivation Profile®.
AMEI staff offer workshops which focus on helping individuals understand themselves, their motivation, their blocks to success, and setting a path to achieve their desires. The workshops can be scheduled onsite in the US or Canada for companies interested in these workshops for their employees. Keep watching our web site for updates on scheduled workshops.
What we can do
Service & Assistance
For private and non-profit businesses and corporations.
For personal and relationship motivational analysis for empowerment and growth.
Speakers bureau on topics related to motivation for your organization.
The Reiss Motivation Profile®
Our Tool Of Choice
The Reiss Motivation Profile® (RMP) is scientifically based in theory with empirical research. It is the principal assessment to learn what motivates any individual by revealing who you are, what motivates you, your deepest values, and how you are likely to react to numerous situations and various people. The RMP is used successfully in business, schools, sports, wellness, relationships, careers, and individual coaching worldwide.
Knowing your own motivational profile is incredibly empowering because it explains why you feel the way you feel in any situation, why you excel in some situations and not in others, why you seem more productive in some situations than in others, and why you get along better with some people than others. It explains behavior which cannot be explained using other tests which purport to assess motivation and personality. Other tests look at only the surface of an individual and describe preferences in communication and interaction. The RMP is the only valid, research based tool which looks deeper into the underlying “why” of motivation and behavior.
Using the Reiss Motivation Profile® will change how you view yourself, how you make decisions, and how you interact with others. It will empower you!
The Reiss Motivation Profile® can be administered only by trained and certified Reiss Profile Masters. Get in touch with our licensed trainers to learn more about how we can help you or your business utilize this powerful tool.

Empower yourself, Discover your motivation
We help you to break new ground
Complete the contact form so we can talk with you about your needs. We will never share your information without your permission.
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